Friday, November 2, 2007

what is this place?

This is all about opinions of life. About everything in general. Science,Body,Humour,Engineering, Mind, Religion, Spirits,Politics, Normal-Paranormal,Sports, Life of me and you, Crap to priceless articles. This is about things we like and dislike. This is about a relationship that I want to develop with people I know and people I would love to know. This is about Us.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hi Phoenix,

Wow, you have several blogs going -- amazing! It's interesting to see the many hats you wear :-) tell me more bout yourself. One more thing too, I would be much delighted if you had included a picture here in your profile. Anyway, maybe you will when you're ready one of these days. :-)

You know what, blogging in this new site seems to be a pleasure, unlike what was experienced in o3. It's so efficient that it gives you all the chances to focus on the writing. And that works well for me indeed. I hope this benefit and advantage continues.

You were one of the few who urged me to choose this site.. and so I thank you. :-) Will be seeing you around... check out your other blogs. Take care always okay? God bless you and your loved ones.